Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wolf? Coyote? I can never tell.

I learn the difference and then forget it before it becomes pertinent. Like c#.

In any case, we saw this guy just outside the campground. We also heard wolves howl at night. That was really cool, but made Jeff want to sleep in the car. I explained that after years of living near society wolves can open most car locks and he was just as safe in the tent where 2/3 of the time the wolves would choose to eat someone else. That calmed him down.


todd said...

Sure looks like a coyote to me.
A healthy and hungry coyote.

Larntz said...

Yeah, I bet it went just like that.

Was Jeffrey comforted by the thought that a ravenous animal smart enought to open a car would get to the tent and choose the largest meal first, thus giving the smallest person time to sneak away? Did he sleep with the car keys, just in case?

And, yeah, this looks like coyote.

I don't know the difference between c# and anything else, but wolf vs coyote doesn't seem hard to me. I spose we've just identified another place to split our talents for best effect.

Larntz said...

Your dad thinks its a red fox.

Nathan said...

Ahhh... parenting at it's best.