Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So, we stopped by the surgeon's office yesterday for a quick visit that amounted to having the guy poke L in the abdomen and saying, "Yep, that's gotta come out".

The best part of the visit was the comic book. L got a comic book that explained that her Gall Bladder was like urban blight. After weeks of disuse, it had become filled with the biological equivalent of meth or crack addicts. While some attempts had previously been made to gentrify Gall Bladders and reinvent them as happy, upscale places filled with only productive souls. Some degenerate always lingers and eventually the neighborhood goes to crap again. The only real solution at this point is to tear the whole place down and turn it into green space. Then, Captain Surgery shows up and with three little incisions (sadly, they have no Zorro resemblance at all) deftly removes the condemned gall bladder / crack house. Afterward the liver, stomach, and intestines have a very successful block party.

I should clarify that while L really did get a comic book and I assume that it had all of the parts I describe, I may have gotten some of the details wrong.

The doctor, in real life, explained that the Gall Bladder was, in fact, more like a BMW. It's cool to have one, but once it starts requiring maintenance you are better off getting rid of it before it completely breaks down or explodes. Again, I wasn't really listening, but I expect it was a lot like that.

So, because L is in pain every day, even though she takes in no fat, we agreed it should be removed. Since we have no desire to get a headstart on next year's deductible, we asked to get this done this year. We were given two dates and decided on the later. Once we got in the car, we immediately started tearing down our very good reasons for that date and called this morning to change it.

So, next Wednesday, L will lose 1/4 pound the hard way.

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